Karen’s Cohort Conversations

Have you heard executive leaders complain, “It is lonely at the top”? Leading a nonprofit CEO or executive director can be isolating.

Pictures of Karen Eber Davis leading events

Why so when so many others are nearby? The problems leaders face are:

  • unsuitable for sharing with staff,
  • not ready for board input, and
  • boring to significant others who have already heard the issue a zillion times.

They are, however, perfect for solving with other leaders.

That’s why your members love getting together to learn, collect ideas, and encourage each other. But conferences are infrequent and costly (time, if not money), and their “highs” are unfortunately short-lived.

What if you could provide your members with the crucial parts of onsite events—developing solutions, connecting, and sharing best practices—more often?

That’s the role of cohort conversations.

What’s the Cohort Conversations Concept in a Nutshell?

  • Regular small group interactive online events
  • Mix consultant expertise with on-the-ground best practice sharing
  • Includes self-assigned “homework” and accountability
  • Meaty 50-minute sessions

Why It Matters?

Cohort Conversations offer rare, interactive opportunities for leaders to refill their wells and strengthen their leadership for missions that matter.

Email Karen or pick a chat time to explore cohort conversations.