Karen Eber Davis

Vision-Drive Nonprofit CEOs

Let’s Close the Gap Between You & Your Vision 

Karen Eber Davis provides customized consulting and coaching. Nonprofit leaders hire her to untangle complex situations, break through barriers, and unleash lasting change.


Karen Eber Davis picture

Vision-Driven Nonprofit CEOs 

Let’s Close the Gap Between You & Your Vision

Karen Eber Davis provides customized consulting and coaching. Nonprofit leaders hire her to untangle complex situations, break through barriers, and empower lasting change.


Get "Karen's Ten Top Tips to Obtain the Revenue Your Nonprofit Needs Forever"

I’m over the moon. The Strategic Plan immediately opened doors and started conversations. The Plan’s robust and detailed. It prepared us for our NEH self-assessment and strengthened my board relationship and our pathway forward.




Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together book cover

How to Fund Your Vision:                                          Getting Everyone on Board with Raising Money

Let’s Raise Nonprofit Millions Together offers you a framework to inspire your board members, staff, and others who champion your nonprofit to discover they can help you to fundraise and enjoy it. Rally your team to raise the revenue you need to fund your vision.

An Expert Shows You How to Build YOUR Culture of Philanthropy

Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions TogetherEveryone has a role in bringing revenue and resources to your organization. Let’s Raise Nonprofit Millions Together offers you a framework to inspire your board members, staff, and others who champion your not-for-profit to discover they can fundraise and actually enjoy it. Rally your team to raise remarkable revenue together.

Karen did a beautiful job on the board retreat and our strategy. She gained the board’s trust. She is one of my favorite consultants and I like obtaining consultants’ expertise.




Discover Answers. Close Your Vision Gap. Drive Change.

From Dream to Reality: The Vision to Action Cycle for Nonprofit Leaders

If I could go back in time and bring a concept to share with nonprofit leaders, it would be the Vision to Action Cycle. I worked with a nonprofit with a strong vision a few years ago but couldn’t make it real. In a board meeting, the frustration was apparent—leaders were passionate. Yet, efforts were scattered.[…]

Optimize Nonprofit Board Governance: Kickstart Discussions with FRAME

Discover the FRAME method. It’s designed to improve how much your nonprofit board governs. FRAME is a 5-step process that the board chair or CEO can use to introduce governance items effectively in board meetings. The Big Nonprofit Board Governance Ideas The FRAME method takes 1-2 minutes to present before an agenda item. It helps[…]

How CEOs Boost Board Involvement in 15 Minutes a Day

Is Your Board Pulling Its Weight? 15 Minutes Can Change Everything Struggling to get your board engaged? You’re not alone. But what if you could unlock their potential in just 15 minutes a day? This video offers a powerful strategy for busy nonprofit CEOs like you. It’ll show you how to move from frustration to[…]