Services at a Glance

[ult_ihover thumb_shape=”square” responsive_size=”off”][ult_ihover_item title=”For Nonprofits” thumb_img=”id^9116|url^|caption^null|alt^three people smiling and sitting around desk|title^For Organizations|description^For Organizations” hover_effect=”effect13″ effect_direction=”left_to_right” block_click=”link” block_link=”” desc_font_color=”#ffffff” info_color_bg=”#131d33″ spacer_border_color=”#ff6600″ title_responsive_font_size=”desktop:25px;” title_responsive_line_height=”desktop:32px;” desc_responsive_font_size=”desktop:20px;” desc_responsive_line_height=”desktop:25px;”]

Strategy & Consultation


[ult_ihover thumb_shape=”square” responsive_size=”off”][ult_ihover_item title=”For Leaders” thumb_img=”id^9117|url^|caption^null|alt^3 people smiling|title^For Individuals|description^For Individuals” hover_effect=”effect13″ effect_direction=”left_to_right” block_click=”link” block_link=”” desc_font_color=”#ffffff” info_color_bg=”#131d33″ title_responsive_font_size=”desktop:25px;” title_responsive_line_height=”desktop:32px;” desc_responsive_font_size=”desktop:20px;” desc_responsive_line_height=”desktop:22px;”]

Trusted Advisor, Mentor, Coach


[ult_ihover thumb_shape=”square” responsive_size=”off”][ult_ihover_item title=”For Event Planners” thumb_img=”id^9157|url^|caption^null|alt^Karen Eber Davis Presenting|title^Events|description^null” hover_effect=”effect13″ effect_direction=”left_to_right” block_click=”link” block_link=”” desc_font_color=”#ffffff” info_color_bg=”#131d33″ title_responsive_font_size=”desktop:25px;” title_responsive_line_height=”desktop:32px;” desc_responsive_font_size=”desktop:20px;” desc_responsive_line_height=”desktop:22px;”]

Virtual & Live Workshops or Training


Four Ways Karen Can Help You Today

Strategic Planning

Every nonprofit needs a strategy to win. Karen will help your organization identify the critical question you face, find multiple options to answer it, and discover your best strategy based on your needs and vision. With her guidance, you, your board, staff, and supporters will know how to “win” more outcomes, money, and friends to propel you toward your vision. Available virtually, face-to-face, or a mix of both. Contact Karen if you’d like to know more.

Coaching and Mentor Program

Karen’s program is a six-month opportunity for individuals to meet their professional and personal goals. At the beginning of this six-month program, you and I will reach a joint decision about how this program will help you. Together we will set specific goals. The program’s so powerful many folks sign up more than once. Participants have growth results by over 100 percent program. Set a no-obligation appointment to talk with Karen if this experience is right for you or a staff or board member.

Strategy-in-a-Day: Karen’s Custom One-on-One VIP Program

Invest a day (or two half days), discovering where you want to be in the future, and set your agenda for your long game.

  • Gain control of your most valuable asset: your time
  • Get rid of the clutter: claim your musts and wants
  • With Karen’s guidance, craft your optimal plan to win.

Isn’t it time you made your goals and needs the center of attention? Email Karen to learn more.

Discovery Calls

Most nonprofit leader’s needs don’t fit neatly into one category but overlap the ones listed above and more. If you need to get ahead of the game, find a fail-proof process, or map out an undiscovered destination, give Karen a shout. Discovery conversations help you to gain clarity and identify options for moving forward. Karen offers discovery calls pro-bono to strengthen the nonprofit community and bolster you. Explore what’s possible. Set an appointment with Karen.


How to Start Working with Karen 

  1.   Make an appointment with Karen or send an email.
  2.   Share your needs and goals. 
  3.   Together we’ll determine how you will measure your future success.
  4.   Karen will provide you with options. 
  5.   Pick your option and submit your payment.