December 29, 2023
Fundraising Myths Debunked: Helping Your Board Think Beyond the Bake Sale

Which one of the following most closely matches the content of your board’s income discussions? Let’s have a garage sale. Let’s get a grant. Let’s[…]

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December 19, 2023
Nonprofit CEO Self-Care: How to Beat Burnout, Boost Impact

Are you a CEO caught in the relentless hustle of your nonprofit work, often neglecting your well-being? It’s time to prioritize self-care without compromising your[…]

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December 13, 2023
New Year, New Approach: 9 Game-Changing Tactics for Nonprofit CEOs in the New Year

As you gear up for a new year, it’s time to recognize your hard work, accomplishments, and smarts. Take a bow. You deserve it! If[…]

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December 7, 2023
Nonprofit Strategic Planning 101: Your Guide

Nonprofit Strategic Planning Guide: This guide simplifies nonprofit strategic planning. It’s designed to clear confusion and focus on what’s important.

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December 5, 2023
How Much of Nonprofit CEO Burnout is Self-Inflicted?

Karen’s CEO Conversation When it comes to nonprofit executive self-care, CEOs can be like the cobbler’s children—focused on others’ well-being while neglecting their own. This[…]

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December 2, 2023
The Best Free Board Assessment Tools-Easy Solutions

Quick quiz: How often do you engage your board of directors in a self-assessment? It turns out that nonprofits fall equally into one of these[…]

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November 30, 2023
How to Get Rid of Fuzzy Results: Use The Outcome Cheat Sheet

You know what your nonprofit does matters- you witness it daily, but do you struggle to articulate your results? Maybe you If this is you,[…]

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November 22, 2023
Optimize Your Nonprofit Board Meetings: Make Them Effective & Efficient

Board meetings take time and resources. You recruit, update, prepare, attend, and follow up. Your board members devote half a day per meeting, including prep[…]

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November 15, 2023
Overcoming Anonymous Donor Challenges: Is Your Backdoor Light Out?

We toured the Salvation Army shelter during one of my city’s Leadership classes. Besides seeing the complex and hearing the facts, our guide shared stories[…]

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November 1, 2023
When Another Nonprofit Receives “Your” Gift

“We’re bummed. A competitor just received a million dollars from a donor with whom they’ve had no contact. We’ve been seeking a relationship with the[…]

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