October 31, 2022
Never Fundraise Alone, How to Build A Culture of Philanthropy

Do you do the heavy lifting of raising individual donations alone? If so, you bear a heavy burden. Worse, the nonprofit you serve is probably[…]

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October 28, 2022
Culture of Philanthropy vs. Classic Fundraising? Wipe Out the Confusion

Nonprofit leaders, boards, and supporters get confused about the difference between a culture of philanthropy and classic fundraising. Who can blame them! Lots of crossover[…]

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September 28, 2022
Do You Have the Right Development Director? Take this Quiz

Have you ever hired the “perfect” development director only to be disappointed? The individual looked good on paper and interviewed well—yet they failed to meet[…]

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August 3, 2022
When Boards Know Their Role & Still Fail to Help Fundraise

I lead a Zoom board workshop. When the board reviewed how well they were fulfilling their responsibilities, they found an area that needed work: Ensuring[…]

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May 22, 2022
How to Set Realistic Fundraising Expectations

Everyone at your nonprofit wants to earn more revenue and raise more funds. As you plan your fundraising, how much can be raised is always[…]

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March 15, 2022
Major Gifts- How to Ask for a Transformational Gift

Bummer, you missed this Karen’s CEO Major Gift Conversation, but never fear all is not lost! Here is a snippet from the conversation where our[…]

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February 28, 2022
When Good Boards Have Bad Fundraising Ideas

You feel it in your gut first when good board members have bad fundraising ideas. You’re in a board meeting discussing fundraising someone comes up[…]

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February 11, 2022
Finding Major Gifts that Change the World

In four years, would you like to– Grow your six-figure donors by 30 percent? Develop an event that attracts 75,000 people? Earn 50 percent more[…]

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January 28, 2022
In-Kind: 2 Ways to Maximize Its Value

The right kind of in-kind donations are budget blessings to nonprofits. This post shares two examples of funneling in-kind high-cost labor to do tasks better[…]

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October 25, 2021
Donor Management Software Buying Tips with Steven Shattuck

How can donor management software help your nonprofit? To find out, watch this software buying tips video with Steven Shattuck. Should your nonprofit invest in[…]

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