blow up of a 10,000 dollar billSample Letter of Intent

Letters of Intent are a standard grant-screening tool. The following template will help you assemble one quickly. The italics indicate instructions and the bold fields. In your draft, remove and substitute, as discussed.

On your nonprofit organization’s letterhead, write:


Contact person
City, State, Zip

Re: Letter of Intent for Name of Grant

Dear Contact Person:

This letter is to inform you that the ABC Non-profit intends to apply for the Name of Grant Program by the month, date, year deadline. The request will range from $250,000 to $350,000 dollars. (Note: In this case, the grant program allows up to $400,000 in requests. Giving a range provides you flexibility during drafting. However, if the guidelines require a specific amount, provide this number instead.) The funds will be used to cite at least one eligible activity and serve approximately # and type of people.

Please find:

1. List any items requested, i.e., a 501 c3, audit, etc. (If nothing, skip)


Use your official statement of introduction, that is, one well-written paragraph of about 50 words long that identifies your mission, an overview of your services, and, if possible, a recent award. (Note: Listing an award or other public recognition provides proof of your worthiness to apply.) Include an introductory paragraph to establish your nonprofit organization’s credibility.

You can find additional information about the ABC Non-profit at

I look forward to working with you on this application. Please call ###-###-#### or email xx@xxxx if you need an answer to any questions or additional information.


Your Name

Check out Karen’s Nonprofit CEO Library, a collection of resources for nonprofit CEOs and executive directors to answer your questions about nonprofit leadership issues.

For other sources of nonprofit income to augment your grant opportunities, read this article, Can Your Nonprofit Obtain More Income?

For information on all seven nonprofit revenue sources, download a free chapter from 7 Nonprofit Income Streams.

Need more help with your nonprofit income development? Karen is available for a mini-consult or more to help. Click here to contact her via email or here to set up a time to chat.


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