February 13, 2024
How Strategic Planning Equips NEW CEOs for Success

I despise waste. Whether it’s spoiled leftovers in the fridge or lights left on, it grates on me. It’s a trait I inherited, likely from[…]

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July 13, 2023
12 Interview Questions for Nonprofit CEO Candidates to Find a Perfect Fit

You’ve experienced it. People exchange forced smiles. The person at the front desk tersely answers your questions. Everything is professional, but your gut tells you[…]

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June 18, 2023
7 New Nonprofit CEO Success Secrets

Start Strong: Lessons from New Executives I recently contacted 60 new nonprofit CEOs to learn what surprised them in their first months in their new[…]

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June 27, 2022
Nonprofit CEO Transitions: The New CEO’s Wishlist

Are you in the midst of a nonprofit CEO transition? That is, either leaving a position or seeking one? If yes, this video will help[…]

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