August 15, 2023
Strategy to the Rescue: Here’s Hope and 5 Terrific Examples

If everything’s going well in your nonprofit, working to solve your most significant problem might not matter. But if you’re challenged, it matters a lot.[…]

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July 29, 2023
What’s the Difference Between Strategy and Planning?

Perhaps you’re confused about the difference between strategy and planning. Many confuse strategy and planning, though they differ. It’s helpful to get the term right,[…]

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July 25, 2023
What’s the Most Valuable Work Nonprofit Execs Do?

And, do you have what’s needed to get it done? At first glance, the most valuable work of a nonprofit CEO or executive director seems[…]

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July 17, 2023
Is Your Strategic Plan a Keeper or a Tosser?

Does your nonprofit strategic plan pass the smell tests? If not, your plan may be junk. Effective strategic plans generate alignment and both a unique strategy and a master[…]

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July 13, 2023
12 Interview Questions for Nonprofit CEO Candidates to Find a Perfect Fit

You’ve experienced it. People exchange forced smiles. The person at the front desk tersely answers your questions. Everything is professional, but your gut tells you[…]

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July 9, 2023
Stuck on Your Vision? 4 Ways to Overcome Hurdles

I was pinned under a 200-pound guy, and he had scissors. The volunteer assignment was simple: help a young man with developmental disabilities learn a[…]

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June 18, 2023
7 New Nonprofit CEO Success Secrets

Start Strong: Lessons from New Executives I recently contacted 60 new nonprofit CEOs to learn what surprised them in their first months in their new[…]

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May 16, 2023
Is the Sky Really Falling? Overcoming Team Negativity

When the CEO announced that the construction was finished on time and on budget, the board launched into complaints instead of rejoicing. Working with a[…]

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April 15, 2023
Not Just a Wall Placard: How to Use Your Vision Every Day

Your vision. You struggle writing it word by word. When you finally get it right, you display it on your website, grants, and brochures. You[…]

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March 18, 2023
How to Get Your Life Back: Establish Nonprofit Board Office Hours

You’re about to sit down to dinner when you get a text from a board member. You’re in a meaningful conversation with your best friend,[…]

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