March 15, 2023
Can You Make Yourself Do It? 7 Self-Motivation Tools

Staring at the screen, feeling that well of motivation dry up…we’ve all been there. Leading a nonprofit is a constant marathon, not a sprint. It’s[…]

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March 7, 2023
The Unique Opportunities of Women Nonprofit CEOs

“As they make decisions, women tend to weigh more variables, consider more options, and see a wider array of possible solutions to a problem (than[…]

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January 3, 2023
Did You Miss Any of These? The Top 2022 Posts

I’m happy to share the top 2022 posts . This year, working with your board, growing revenue, and your career were at the top of[…]

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December 20, 2022
Best Videos of 2022

As you ring in 2023, take a few minutes to watch these nine handpicked 2022 videos. In less than 30 minutes, you’ll ramp your leadership[…]

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June 27, 2022
Nonprofit CEO Transitions: The New CEO’s Wishlist

Are you in the midst of a nonprofit CEO transition? That is, either leaving a position or seeking one? If yes, this video will help[…]

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June 14, 2022
Creating Robust Sr. Leadership Teams

Rats, you missed this Karen’s CEO Senior Leadership Teams Conversation, but never fear all is not lost! Here is a snippet from the conversation (What[…]

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May 28, 2022
How to Improve Your Nonprofit Staff Recruitment

You can increase your staff recruitment success by thinking inside the box. What if one-fifth of your staff came from former clients and customers or[…]

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May 27, 2022
Staff Recruitment: How to Build an Employee Pipeline

You’re struggling with nonprofit staff recruitment to fill employee gaps. Given the job market, you know that this is now one of a nonprofit leader’s[…]

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April 3, 2022
The Gap Between Now and Your Nonprofit Vision

Find The Best Strategy to Bridge The Gap. Are you energized by an exciting, wonderful vision for your nonprofit? How can you close the gap[…]

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March 28, 2022
Staff Appreciation: 3 Low-Cost, High-Value Ideas

Does staff appreciation matter? You betcha! People don’t join nonprofits because of the salaries they receive. While they must take care of their families, they[…]

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