September 27, 2021

Better Board Orientations

Your board orientation is a great tool to educate your nonprofit board and get new board members started on the right foot. This video outlines a 90-minute board orientation session and gives you tips about how you can make your board member orientation interactive.

You can create a practical board orientation that energizes, educates, and guides your new board members to become super board members.

Better Board Orientations Table of Contents

00:00 Overview

00: 28 1. A Welcome

00:45 2. Revenue, The Sector and You

01:13 3. History of the Organization

01:34 4. Organization Chart

01:46 5. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

02:16 6. Your Strategy

02:48 7. Program Summaries

03:24 8. Board Roles and Responsibilities

04:02 9. Your Call to Action

04:23 10. The Vision

04:46 More Information

For more see:

More Board Resources for Epic Board Meetings

Get started by watching, How to Have Great Board Meetings

and reading How to Create Engaging & Effective Board Meetings

Challenge your board to support you with the specific actions identified in Guilty as Charged

And finally, make sure you don’t accidentally alienate members, watch 5 Ways to Turn Off Your Nonprofit Board Members.

For more board insight, explore Karen’s Nonprofit CEO Library.

For solutions delivered to your inbox sign up for Karen’s CEO Solutions.

Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis provides customized advising and coaching around nonprofit strategy and board development. People leaders hire her to bring clarity to sticky situations, break through barriers that seem insurmountable, and align people for better futures. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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