January 26, 2017

Why is Fundraising Important?

Man with a pile of money handing some of it to another personAlmost everyone can agree that fundraising is essential. Why?

The Money

You guessed it. Obtaining money takes the fundraising Oscar. Successfully fundraise, and you gain the resources you need to reach your nonprofit’s goals.

But here are some facts about fundraising, especially raising money from individuals, that you may not know:

  • Of the seven nonprofit income streams, individual fundraising has the longest runway (most significant untapped revenue, longest development time) at the biggest airport (most potential donors.)
  • We only tap about 10 percent of the potential fundraising income. In contrast, the sector draws most grants, government funds, and foundations’ gifts.
  • Multiple small donors provide greater sustainability than a single Bill Gates or other large windfalls.
  • Philanthropy is a learned skill. When you discover how to be generous, you’re in a better position to teach others generosity effectively.
  • Generosity is contagious. Peer pressure and modeling both spread it.

The Real Treasure

Here’s the practical way to succeed at fundraising, you grow a community of dedicated individuals. Over time, you educate them about your cause and its importance. With encouragement, they become mission advocates in the broader community.

Moreover, dedicated and knowledgeable individuals become potential resources for your organization. If you ask, they will be eager to provide you with feedback and innovative ideas. If you welcome their insights, they will feed you ideas, insights, people, and examples from outside your bubble. In short, you create wise counselors.

Why is fundraising important? The money and the opportunity you gain to gather wisdom.

Are you achieving both?

Would you like to know more about nonprofit fundraising?

Discover Let’s Raise Nonprofit Millions Together and how to build your culture of philanthropy here. 

Read about, How to Ask Your Board to Help with Fundraising 

And explore The 7 Drivers of Nonprofit Fundraising Success.

If you’d like to know more about firing up your fundraising, please don’t hesitate to set up a time to talk. I’d love to partner with you about your nonprofit’s opportunities to grow revenue. Karen

Karen Eber Davis

Karen Eber Davis provides customized advising and coaching around nonprofit strategy and board development. People leaders hire her to bring clarity to sticky situations, break through barriers that seem insurmountable, and align people for better futures. She is the author of 7 Nonprofit Income Streams and Let's Raise Nonprofit Millions Together.


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