November 30, 2023
How to Get Rid of Fuzzy Results: Use The Outcome Cheat Sheet

You know what your nonprofit does matters- you witness it daily, but do you struggle to articulate your results? Maybe you If this is you,[…]

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September 28, 2023
3 Killer Questions for CEOs that Unleash Mammoth Potential

Nonprofit executives, by the nature of their jobs, have an “overwhelm monster” lurking outside their door. And that monster seems to get bigger and come[…]

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July 27, 2020
Avoid This #1 Error in Your Nonprofit’s Strategy Discussions

Nonprofit organizations that experience abrupt threats to their sustainability or want to thrive act with purpose. That is, they create a strategy and execution plan[…]

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February 6, 2020
You Can Help Your Board Work Better Together

You want your board’s support. You want them to work together well. What works? Board Trust: Why It Matters and How to Build It Encourage trust among[…]

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July 25, 2019
The Most Destructive Phrase Nonprofit Leaders Use

Words matter. Is it possible the phrases you use hold you back? Imagine how different it would feel never to utter these destructive relationship words[…]

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June 20, 2019
Do Your Donors Trust You? Good Donor Stewardship

Are you making a dirty ask? Is your gratitude really a disguised donation request? Let’s face it. You need revenue. So when a donor gives[…]

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February 7, 2019
The Most Dangerous Phrase Nonprofit Leaders Use

I bet you’ve said this phrase in the last thirty days. Here’s why it’s time to stop using these four words and what to say[…]

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March 5, 2018
Lasso the Future: Move Noncommittal Board Recruitment Candidates Off the Fence

Today’s the day. You plan to ask a candidate whom you’ve vetted and wooed for months to serve on your board. You plan what to[…]

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